Here, the only way is up.

More than 25 years of market expertise in the skyline city of Germany. In 1996, Aengevelt established its branch in Frankfurt am Main, the business stronghold par excellence. It is not only where major German banks have their headquarters, but with the European Central Bank, this city is also demonstrating its pan-European significance.
Frankfurt has a dynamic office property market that is always in motion. The city also has areas of exceptionally high purchasing power that are of great interest to investors.
The great internationality and charisma of the Main metropolis is also reflected in the nationwide fame of the globally successful football club Eintracht Frankfurt. Perhaps the best fan culture in the world impressively shows how connected the inhabitants are to their city. You can feel this every day, and as Frankfurters, which is what we are, it makes us a little proud.


AENGEVELT Immobilien GmbH & Co. KG

Team Frankfurt.

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The FAZ has a new home.

Initiation and implementation of the value chain:

  • Sale of the land
  • Advising the purchaser on the concept for the new building, Accompaniment of the architectural competition, organisation of marketing pitch
  • Forward global letting of the high-rise building, which will be called FAZ Tower in the future, to the headquarters of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) - second largest letting deal in Frankfurt in 2018
  • Forward sale of the majority shares of the overall project
  • Total leasable area. 40.000 sqm
  • Project period. 2017 - 2020


We not only know Frankfurt’s real estate market, we also analyse it. Constantly, and again and again. In our City Quarterlies, we provide you with current market facts and trends, every three months. The annual City Report is already a true classic. You can download the reports in our Research section.