There from the beginning.

The story of Aengevelt in Berlin begins right after a memorable event. Shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, Aengevelt was the first West German real estate company to open a branch in Berlin, enabling us to accompany the exciting and rapid development of Berlin’s real estate market from the very beginning. In the course of advising the Treuhandanstalt, Aengevelt developed the so-called “Berliner Modell”, an evaluation method that was later used across all new federal states. Today, Aengevelt’s office is located in the heart of the capital. Hardly any other city in Germany is so vibrant and also somehow special when it comes to real estate. The opportunities and problems on Berlin’s real estate market are a fascinating challenge for us, which we meet every day with all our knowledge.


AENGEVELT Immobilien GmbH & Co. KG

Team Berlin.

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©ABG Real Estate Group


In VoltAir (Berlin Alexanderstraße - Voltairstraße - Dirckenstraße) - Aengevelt Immobilien brokered approx. 17,500 m² to the N26 Group.

  • City. Berlin
  • Leasable Area. approx. 17,500 m²
  • Object Name. VoltAir


We not only know Berlin’s real estate market, we also analyse it. Constantly, and again and again. In our City Quarterlies, we provide you with current market facts and trends, every three months. The annual City Report is already a true classic. You can download the reports in our Research section.